On 16 September 2021, Bethan Read presented the second CCH seminar in a two part series on trust law for new practitioners. CCH Learning is a leading education provider to accountants, lawyers and business professionals.
Bethan and her co-presenter, Dr Maria Pozza from Gravity Lawyers, spoke about how to establish a discretionary trust in the family context. The presentation focussed on important considerations for lawyers to be aware of when preparing trust deeds, including appropriate choices of trustees, trustee duties, the different types of beneficiaries, powers that settlors could retain in trusts and why keeping those powers could create problems. The presentation also covered different ways to transfer assets to a trust once it is established.
Bethan and Maria’s presentation followed their first seminar last month, which focused on the fundamentals of trusts and how trusts can benefit many individuals.
If you would like to learn more about some of the issues Bethan covered at the seminar, we recommend the following articles that answer frequently asked questions by trustees:
Extension of the bright-line test – how does this impact properties held in trust?
What information do trustees need to provide to beneficiaries under the Trusts Act 2019?
Countdown to the Trusts Act 2019 | What does it mean for me?
For more information about establishing a trust, contact Morris.